Thursday, December 6, 2012

My Exhibit at MAHA International 2012

These are some of my exhibits at MAHA 2012 recently.
Heliconia metallica and variegated psittacorrum 'Lady Di' (new)

My exhibit heliconia and etlingera (kantan)

My poster

I will propagate as many as possible variegated psittacorum 'Lady Di', those interested please keep in touch or email at

Friday, April 20, 2012

My Book on Heliconia

I have just sent in my book for publication. This book will be launched in December 2012. I hope everything works well.It is about Heliconia and Gingers for landscaping.

Feel free to visit my other blog at

Please contact me if you have any questions.

Heliconia cut flower studies

We are studying on four types of heliconias as cut flowers.Helconia stricta (Huber),H.chartacea (Tempress). H.rauliana and H.rostata. The study is to observe which variety has the longest shell ife (vast life).i.e  sustainability after cutting. We observed that 5 factors are important;

1. Age of the inflorescene
2. Handling of inflorescene
3. Packaging materials
4. Method of cutting
5. Equipment used

It is a simple  and short study.
Heliconia cutflower

Monitoring heliconia cut flowers studies

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Standing at one of the world's tallest building

Standing in front of KL Tower  on hot and sunny day of our beloved Malaysian weather
I went sight seeing at Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur. Next to an exhbition centre Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

Heliconia charteacea (Tempress)

H.chartacea (Tempress)
This is one of my favourite heliconia plants. It flowers very well and not stop flowering.It is 6ft. tall plant and grows from corms. It is very tough and majestic. One feels proud if plant this plant because it has one metre long inflorescence with 20 bracts red and yellow.It is easy to grow and needs no shade.

The 'sister' to this variety is H.chartecea (Sexy Pink) and Sexy scarlet. I have all those varieties. If you want to know more please  feel free and don't hesitate email me at

Monday, January 16, 2012

Heliconia Flowers and others at FLORIA 2011 in Putrajaya

Heliconia arrangement in a garden

Swan attraction

Dwarf heliconia

Black costus on display

Pigeon flower

Mixture of heliconias

Flowers with deep and orange colours side by side